Assessment of European Union Funded Projects Finalised by the Ministry of National Education based on the Opinions of Administrators and Experts

Ünal Akyüz


The main purpose of this study is to assess European Union Training Projects (Support to Basic Education Program (SBEP), Strengthening Vocational Education and Training Project, (SVET) Modernisation of the Vocational and Technical Education Project, (MVET)) finalised by the Ministry of National Education in terms of their purpose, process, outcomes and sustainability dimensions based on opinions of Turkish and foreign administrators as well as the managers and experts taking part in the decision-making and implementation processes.

Participants of this study are Turkish and foreign administrators and educational experts who were engaged in European Union funded projects. Taking into account general qualifications of the participants of this study, the most common feature is that they are effectively involved in decision making and implementation processes of SBEP, SVET, and MVET projects. Not only were the opinions of decision takers but also of those who carried out the pilot practices at local level considered for this study. In order to ensure objectivity, opinions of all Turkish and foreign experts participated in the preparation and implementation processes of SBEP, SVET and MVET projects were received.

Data of this study was collected in two ways. First of all, face to face interviews were held with several participants voluntarily agreed on giving opinions and accordingly, the data was recorded. Semi-structured interview forms were developed in order to get comments of those who accepted to give their opinions. Later, these interviews were analysed. The participants who were/could not attend interviews were asked to present their opinions in writing and semi-structured interview forms were submitted. Later on, these opinions were analysed.

The main conclusions of the study are as follows:

It was observed that the outcomes of SBEP, SVET and MVET Projects funded by the European Union were extended throughout the country. Considering the preparation, implementation and outcomes of SBEP, SVET and MVET projects, the common strengths of these projects were mostly related with strong embrace of the project by the parties, well designed TORs and aims, and having adequate budgets, while the weaknesses of these projects were related with long implementation periods, having very different components, procedures of procurement envisaged in the legislation, lack of experienced staff and difficulties faced by local administrations in terms of sustainability of these projects.

SBEP, SVET and MVET projects have had a significant impact on the change of the MoNE's vision since these projects were the first ones under the institutional structure of the MoNE. SBEP helped Turkey to undertake its commitments under the “Education and Culture” chapter and those related with the “Fundamental Human Rights” during EU accession process. Thanks to these projects, Government of Turkey has proved its decisiveness on educational reforms and caught up with the European Union norms and contributed a lot to its accession process to the EU.

SVET Project has solved such issues as what kind of discussions on vocational training and how should be held. Experience of the European Union on vocational education has been deemed as an important comparison tool. However, at the end, it has been concluded that it is essential to develop a system specific to Turkey.


Ministry of National Education, Training, European Union, Project


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