A Meta-Synthesis on Turkish Metaphor Studies of Teachers

Hülya Yıldızlı, Tuba Acar Erdol, Muhammet Baştuğ, Kadriye Bayram


The present study aimed to evaluate the Turkish metaphor studies of the concept “teacher” via a meta-synthesis approach. A total of 11 masters dissertations and 32 research articles which followed a qualitative research methodology or reported qualitative findings on metaphors of the concept “teacher” and published between 2004 and 2016 were included in the meta-synthesis. The following databases were used in the selection of the dissertations and articles; Google Scholar, YÖK Academic, YÖK National Dissertation Centre, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, EBSCOhost-ERIC, and Web of science. Each study was evaluated based on the following matrix; importance, data collection tools, method (including participants), research design, reliability and validity, data analysis, metaphors and themes, and suggestions. Frequencies, tables and direct quotations from the studies were included in this paper. The results of the theme ‘importance’ revealed that metaphors were considered to be important tools in representing self and professional awareness, educational productivity, professional beliefs, and classroom dynamics, all of which emphasized the worthy of using metaphors. Also, the results of the theme ‘methods’ revealed that while most studies employed phenomenology as a research strategy, few studies utilized such methods as surveys and metaphor/discourse analysis. The results of the theme ‘data collection tools’ showed that most studies employed open-ended questions (i.e. “A teacher is like… Because…” and “A teacher is similar to… Because…”) or interview protocol. Nevertheless, it was also found that a number of studies employed data collection strategies such as composition writing, interviews, and picture drawing. The results of the theme ‘reliability and validity’ illuminated that most studies, in line with the qualitative research paradigm, provided details of their research processes, and mainly used content analysis for data analysis. It was also observed that a number of studies utilized such methods as metaphor analysis. The participants of those studies ranged from students to parents, from prospective teachers and school principals. The themes that emerged in those studies, in spite of the range of participants, did not differ remarkably from each other. Their suggestion included detailed information and implications for implementation, teachers, and future research. Overall, this meta-synthesis metaphor studies showed that most of the Turkish metaphor studies consisted of case studies. In light of the results of this meta-synthesis, how to use metaphors more effectively is discussed.


“teacher” metaphor of, meta-synthesis, metaphor studies Turkish context

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2018.7220

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