The Impact of Instructional Comics on the Cognitive and Affective Learning about Environmental Problems

Yavuz Topkaya


The present study aimed to explore the impact of comics on teaching subjects related to environmental problems in “Our Country and the World” unit of 6th grade Social Science course. The study employed the pre-test post-test control quasi experimental research design. The sample consisted of 160 6th graders studying at four different governmental secondary schools in the district of central Dörtyol of the province Hatay, Turkey in the fall semester of the academic year 2014-2015. Data were gathered through “Scale of the Attitude Towards Environment For Students” and “Performance Test for Environmental Problems”. The training program including comics prepared by the researcher was conducted in the treatment group while the control group was instructed in the way their teacher had planned without manipulation. The program lasted for four weeks. At the end of the experimental process, post-test was applied to experimental and control groups. Data were analyzed through using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) by SPSS 17.00. Findings revealed that instructional comics have positive impact on academic achievement and attitudes about environment in favour of experiential group.


Environmental problem, Educational comics, Social studies education, Academic success, Attitude towards environmental problems


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