The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between secondary school students’ happiness and school satisfaction and positive experiences at school. The study group consisted of 328 secondary school students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in the provincial center of Çanakkale. Among the students, 153 (47%) were male and 175 (53%) were female, 114 (34.8%) were sixth-graders, 130 (39.6%) were seventh-graders, and 84 (25.6%) were eighth-graders. The data were collected using the School Children’s Happiness Inventory, Positive Experiences at School Scale, and Comprehensive School Satisfaction Scale for Children. A significant positive relationship between school satisfaction, positive experiences at school, and happiness was observed. The results of the regression analysis indicated that school satisfaction, persistence, and optimism were significant predictors of the happiness of secondary school students. The findings are discussed in accordance with the literature, and practical suggestions are made.
Happiness, School satisfaction, Positive experiences, Secondary school student
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2020.5587