The Relation between Science Student Teachers’ Misconceptions about Solution, Dissolution, Diffusion and their Attitudes toward Science with their Achievement

Abuzer Akgün


The aims of this study were considered under three headings. The first was to elicit misconceptions that science student teachers had about the “solution”, “dissolution” and “diffusion” concepts. The second was to understand the effect of prior knowledge on their misconceptions. The third was to determine the relationships among science student teachers’ achievements, logical thinking levels and their attitudes toward science teaching and learning. It was found that science student teachers had some misconceptions about the dissolution, solubility and diffusion concepts. The results also revealed that student teachers had positive attitudes toward science and their logical thinking levels were intermediate. In addition, no statistically significant relationship among student’s teacher achievements, logical thinking levels and attitudes was found.


Solubility, Dissolution, Logical thinking, Science education, Misconceptions.

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