Peer Coaching : A New Approach in the Professional Development of Teachers

Süleyman Sadi Seferoğlu


This paper is a review of literature on the analysis of peer coaching, as a way o f teacher development. All teachers need to grow. However, they cannot grow in a private isolated environment where they are cut off from intellectual stimulation, exchange, and help from their colleagues. They need an environment where they can feel free to take risks, ask questions, and where there is evaluative problem-solving time to reflect on their practice and to receive supportive, helpful feedback in a non-judgemental environment. Peer coaching is one o f the most powerful helping relationships for teachers. It helps teachers to deepen collegiality, increase professional dialogue, and gives them a shared vocabulary to talk about their craft. In peer coaching, the key to teacher satisfaction and learning, and to program success is teacher ownership of the process.


Teaching, professional development, improving teaching, teachers’ loneliness, coaching, teachers helping teachers

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