Investigating the Learning Style Preferences of Individuals Who are in Two Different Vocation Groups

Altay Eren


The aim of this study is to investigate the differences between learning style preferences of doctors and teachers of vocational lessons by determining their learning style preferences and, also to determine their common conceptualizations for learning. For this aim, the data relating to learning style preferences of the teachers (N=78) who work in Central İzzet Baysal Anatolian Technical High School (N=29), İzzet Baysal Anatolian Hotel And Tourism Vocational High School (N=19), Anatolian Trading and Trading Vocational High School (N=30), and the doctors who work in İzzet Baysal Bolu State Hospital (N=19), İzzet Baysal Gynecological Diseases and Obstetrics Hospital (N=7) and A.l.B.Ü. İzzet Baysal Medicine School Hospital (N=8), were obtained by the Learning Style Preferences Inventory (LSPI). The differences between learning style preferences were investigated by independent t test and it was not found significant differences between the learning style preferences of groups at the p < 0.05 level of significance. On the other hand, some differences were also obtained among their learning conceptualizations.


Learning style preferences; Vocation

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