Focusing on Evaluation of Teacher Development? A Model for School-Based Supervision

Ayşe Bas Collins


All aspects of work, and even play, require an allusive entity called supervision. Supervision models vary from loosely organized structures, to strict activity overview. The ‘instructional supervisory role’ may be one or several individuals, working to assist school personnel to perform better. They may be from outside the school (ie. national inspection system) or the principal or department head or senior instructor. As in other countries, Turkey has private and state schools. Both are subject to regular inspection by a centralised National Inspection System. However, in order to overcome shortfalls of the National Inspection System, private schools have established their own teacher evaluation programs. This paper assesses current private school-based supervision practices. It is intended to provide a school-based supervision model, through which private secondary schools may improve their performance and accountability while enhancing teacher quality.


Teacher development, school-based supervision

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