A Study of the Validity and Reliability of the Hanson Silver Learning Preference Inventory

Gülay Ekici


The initial aim of this study is to give general information about the Hanson Silver Learning Siyle Model  and the Hanson Silver Learning Preference Inventory; the second aim is to adapt the Hanson Silver Learning  Preference Inventory to Turkish and to investigate the validity and reliability of this inventory under Turkish conditions, in a selected group of university students. The Inventory was administered to 726 university  students seleeted from Gazi University. Reliability analysis of the inventory revealed a Cronbach-alpha  coefficient of 0.71 for the Mastery Learning Siyle (ST) Scale, 0.84 for the Interpersonal Learning Style (SF) Scale, 0.76 for the Self Expressive Learning Style (NF) Scale, and 0.76 for the Understanding Learning  Style (NT) Scale. Additionally, Cronbach-alpha coefficients of 0.88 for the Extroverted Personality Type  and 0.80 for the Extroverted Personality Type were found. These results show that the Hanson Silver  Learning Preference Inventory can be used successfully in Turkey.


Learning styles, learning style models, learning preference inventory.

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