Language Learning Strategies of Turkish University EFL Students

Paşa Tevfik Cephe, Ayşegül Amanda Yeşilbursa


This study examines the reported language learning strategy use of 187 university students learning English as a foreign language in Turkey using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). First the reported means for the six categories of language learning strategies of two groups of learners at different proficiency levels were calculated to find the rank ordering of use. These means were then compared across the two groups using the independent t-test to determine any significant differences in terms of language proficiency level. The findings were interesting in that, unlike similar studies, the lower proficiency group reported significantly more frequent use of metacognitive strategies than the higher proficiency group. While metacognitive and compensation strategies were the most frequently reported by both groups; affective strategies were reported the least, concurring with the findings of other studies.


SILL, language learning strategies, language proficiency

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