A Study For The Needs Analysis of Preparatory Students at Language Departments

Zekiye Müge Tavil


This study aims at finding the needs of the preparatory school students’ at the departments of Language at Hacettepe University by informal interviews and questionnaires in order to see whether the existing syllabus meets the needs of the students. To determine valid and reliable results, the questionnaire was administered to 103 fourth grade Language departments students (American Culture and Literature, English Language and Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation, English Language Teaching) and 18 teaching staff at these departments at Hacettepe University. Informal interviews were done by the teaching staff. These two questionnaires are parallel to each other so that the results can be compared to identify the needs of the students. Before administering the questionnaire to the students and to the teaching staff the pilot administration was done to see the possible problems which might occur.


Needs Analysis, informal interview, curriculum

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