From Enneagram to Nine Types Temperament Model: A Proposal

Enver Demirel Yılmaz, Ali Görkem Gençer, Özge Ünal, Ömer Aydemir


Temperament, character and personality concepts are addressed by many disciplines that study interpersonal differences. Although each of these concepts is related with each other, they are different and often used instead of one another. Nine Types Temperament Model (NTTM), a new temperament model formulated with the interpretation of Enneagram System, explains the definition, limit, scope and interrelations of these concepts, as well as presents a new perspective on studying the differences between individuals and differences within an individual. With this paper, we explain the similarities and differences between Enneagram and NTTM, nine basic temperament types, as well as behaviors and attitudes, which are different from normal, that these types display under stressed and relaxed conditions. At the same time, we propose NTTM as a new and integrated model which can explain the reasons of human behavior and be used in research and practice for the fields of psychiatry, psychology and education.


Temperament, Character, Personality, Nine Types Temperament Model

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