Validity and Reliability Study of Mathematics Anxiety-Apprehension Survey (MASS)

Emine Özdemir, Hülya Gür


This study contains validity and reliability study of Mathematics Anxiety- Apprehension Survey (MAAS) developed by Ikegulu (1998). The aim of the study was to develop a mathematics anxiety-apprehension survey for students especially in the second stage of the primary school. Validity and reliability was completed in three phases according to the phases of cross-national scale adaptation by Hambleton ve Patsula (1999). MAAS’s Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was .912 and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of positive attitudes and negative attitudes that construct sub-dimensions of survey were respectively.858 and .910. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of Ikegulu’ s original survey was .728 and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients related to sub-dimensions were found to be .8536 and .9272. Similar results were obtained with the original survey.


Mathematics apprehension, Mathematics anxiety, 6-7-8th grade elementary students, Mathematics anxiety-apprehension survey (MAAS)

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