This study aims at seeing the effects of different teaching styles on student behaviours and course content activities and academic learning time in physical education scores. The participants are 30 grade four students at Abant İzzet Baysal University, Department of Teaching Physical Education during 2010–2011 academic year. Forty minute lessons of 30 pre-service teachers using command style (n=10), practice style (n=10) and reciprocal style (n=10) were videotaped and recordings were examined using the “observation form of academic learning time in physical education”. The results of the analysis revealed that significant differences among academic learning time and three different teaching styles were utilized by pre-service teachers in physical education and sport classes. As a result of this study, academic learning time has been concluded in lessons using practice style at most, then the reciprocal style, at least the command style.
Physical Education Course, Academic Learning Time, Teaching Styles, Pre-service Teacher