Changing Roles of Teachers: Prospective Teachers’ Thoughts

Melek Çakmak


This paper mainly aims to determine prospective teachers’ (n=186) thoughts regarding the changing roles of teachers. For this main purpose, a descriptive study was conducted and data were gathered through both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The main research technique was based on a questionnaire. The results indicated that prospective teachers dwell on guiding, motivating to learn, transmitting knowledge, self-development and being a role model as most important teacher roles. Moreover, the results also showed that ‘using technology’ (M=4,03) emerged as the role that changed most among others. This study might be beneficial in showing prospective teachers’ viewpoints related to teacher roles. Seeing their priorities helps us, as teacher trainers, to motivate and prepare them for their changing roles.



role, teachers, change, prospective teachers.

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