SES-Related Mathematics Achievement Gap in Turkey Compared to European Union Countries

Zeynep Ebrar Yetkiner Özel, Serkan Özel, Bruce Thompson


This study’s purpose was to examine SES-related mathematics achievement gaps among Turkish middle-school students as compared to achievement gaps in the European Union (EU) countries. The data used belonged to 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The sample of the countries included Turkey and the EU countries that provided the necessary variables: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, and Slovenia. Results showed substantial achievement gaps between low- and highSES students in Turkey. Correlations between students’ SES levels and their mathematics achievement were the largest in Turkey compared to the sample EU countries. Among the sample countries, only Hungary had as large or even somewhat larger disparities as Turkey between low- and high-SES students’ mathematics achievement.


middle school, mathematics achievement, equity, achievement gap, comparative study

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