It is claimed that the questions were encrypted in the transition to higher education examof year 2011, and thus the correct answers can be found by using the choices given under eachquestion. The aim of this study is to test this claim statistically. The circular mode encryptionmethod is applicable to 31 questions in math section and its expected success rate is %58.7 (18.2correct answers). It is determined that the exam was encrypted with a probability of error lessthan one millionth. It can be concluded that no method can reach such high success rate withoutany encryption. Also, it is not possible that encryption arises as a result of shifting the choicesof questions inadvertently when forming the new choices. The study also proposes a method todetermine whether the encryption is used by candidates or not, and if used, the method statesthe candidates have used it.
Student selection and placement system, transition to higher education exam,encryption