The Turkish Adaptation of the Relationship Quality Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study

Nilüfer Özabacı


To determine the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Quality of Relationship Inventory (QRI). The Turkish version of the QRI was administered to 152 married persons living in urban, suburban, and rural areas of Eskisehir and Ankara Province, Turkey. The QRI consists of 25 items assigned to 3 facets (social support, depth and conflict) and is a supplementary module of QRI. The QRI were also administered to the participants. A confirmatory approach was used during reliability and validity analysis. SPSS 16.0 and LISREL 8.5 were used for the analysis of the data. The mean age of the participants was between 21- 41 years Alpha values for the facets and overall scale (range: 0.66-0.78) (> 0.70), and item total correlations and overall scale success were satisfactory. As a measure of the construct validity of the scale, factor analysis showed very high CFI values (range: 0.96-0.99) for each of the domains. Convergence of QRI facet scores were acceptable level in general. The psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the QRI were acceptable, indicating that the scale is reliable and valid for use in Turkish.                                                    


Relationship quality, cultural adaptation confirmatory factor analysis, social support.

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