Adapting Classroom Engagement Inventory into Turkish Culture

Mustafa Sever


The purpose of this study is to adapt Classroom Engagement Inventory, developed by Wang, Bergin and Bergin (2014) into Turkish language. Inventory‘s original language is English and it consists of 24 items in the original form. Appropriateness of the translation with Turkish is checked with the help of 10 qualified experts who have a good command of English and studying in educational sciences fields. In accordance with the experts’ opinions, corrections were made and final form was created. In order to determine the consistency between Turkish and English forms of the inventory, it was administered to 38 students who have a good command of both languages. It was found that correlation values for the language equivalency and consistency between Turkish and English forms oscillates between r=0.969 and 0.699 (p<.05). Inventory, administered to 300 high school students attending 9th, 10th. and 11th., grades in Ankara and 5 factor structure of the original form was tested. It was found that after an item removed from the form, item factor loading values are between 0.561 and 0.781; item-total correlation values are between 0.304 and 0.687; anti-image correlation values are 0.692 and 0.952. The variance explained by these items was %65.326 and Cronbach-Alpha internal consistency coefficient is found 0.930. After exploratory factor analysis, the structure appeared was tested through confirmatory factor analysis by applying to 201 high school students and structure was confirmed by the analysis. (RMSEA, 0,068; AGFI, 0,81; SRMR, 0.096; RMR, 0,062; NNFI, 0.97; CFI, 0.97; NFI, 0.95; IFI, 0.97).


Classroom engagement, Validity and Reliability, Affective engagement, Cognitive engagement, Behavioral engagement


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