Effectiveness of the Constructivist Approach to Learning: A Mixed-Meta Method Study

Veli Batdı


In this study, the aim is to examine the effectiveness of the constructivist approach involving the use of the mixed-meta method. Quantitative (meta-analysis) and qualitative (meta-thematic analysis) study findings were obtained by conducting a literature review in the context of the mixed-meta method. This consisted of examining the research topic in two dimensions by executing meta-analysis and meta-thematic analysis and producing comprehensive results. Quantitative studies browsed in accordance with certain criteria and searched in certain databases were analysed with the use of the MetaWin and CMA 2.0 programs, and moderator analyses involving such aspects as course areas, teaching levels, application duration and sample size were also carried out. As a result of the analyses, it was understood that the effect sizes of the studies were at a large level in terms of academic achievement and relevant moderators. Qualitative studies, on the other hand, were analysed with the use of the Maxqda program. It was seen that the themes relating to the relationship of the constructivist approach with technology, cooperation and 21st century skills, problems in related applications, and solution suggestions, were generated. The qualitative findings also showed that the the constructivist approach had huge effect. These results indicated that constructivist practices had a positive effect in terms of different levels, course areas, application duration and samples within the frame of a general context, and had a favourable effect on learning outcomes.


Constructivist approach, Academic achievement, Meta-analysis, Meta-thematic analysis, Mixed-meta method, Effect size

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2023.11774

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