Analyzing Vocational High Schools Within the 21st Century Learner and Teacher skills Spectrum

Pınar Erten


This study aims to offer insights regarding the schools providing vocational and technical education in Turkey by determining the students and teachers' usage levels of the 21st century teaching and learner skills. 42 teachers and 269 students participated in this study. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied together in the study. The quantitative data were collected with 21st century teaching and learner skills usage scales, and qualitative data was collected with a structured interview form. It has been determined that teachers working in vocational high schools and the students generally use their teaching and learner skills in their educational practice. It was observed teachers could not use flexible teacher skills more than other skills during teaching, and students reflected cognitive and innovative skills more to their learning process more than other skills in their vocational education. There was no significant difference found between the 21st century teacher skills usage and variables of gender, teaching field type, age, length of service and graduated faculty. A significant difference was found between students’ usage of 21st century learner skills and the variables of gender and maternal education. However, no significant difference was found between these skills of students and variables of field study, paternal education level and family income level. Students in vocational high schools stated that they primarily utilized the internet to gain information. Teachers did not consider that the school facilities and the curriculum are sufficient for gaining and practising teaching 21st century skills in a professional sense as they perceived themselves as competent. Students also did not consider school facilities and the curriculum sufficient for gaining and applying the 21st century learner skills in the professional context. Moreover, students considered the teacher competence sufficient for acquiring the 21st century learner skills as they did not have the same opinion for practice. Teachers' innovative skills stand out in the qualitative findings regarding their definition of a “21st century learner”. Students' definition of “21st century teacher” highlights administrative skills as a central component. It should be ensured that teachers and students learn to train themselves in a way that is open to innovation and change. Teachers and students should be gain awareness regarding teaching and learning shall not be limited to the classroom.


21st century learner skills, 21st century teaching skills, Vocational high schools, 21st century learner, 21st century teacher


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